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Gospel of Matthew 15:1-2,10-14 (August 4th 2020, Tuesday)
8/4/2020 - Tuesday - Gospel of Matthew 15:1-2, 10-14
Daily Reflection with Aneel Aranha | Matthew 15:1-2, 10-14 | August 04, 2020
August 4, 2020, Matthew 15:1-2;10-14 “Huwag maging bulag ba tagaakay”
August 4, 2020 - Daily Mass Readings (Matthew 15:1-2, 10-14)
OLOP Mass Aug 4, 2020. Matthew 15: 1-2, 10-14.
Matthew [15:1-2,10-14] The Tradition of the Elders, Things That Defile
Gospel Reading August 04th,2020 Matthew 15:1-2;10-14
Matthew 15:1-2; 10-14
Matthew 15:1-2,10-14 | Tuesday 4 August 2020 | Daily mass Bible Reading in Konkani
Matthew [15: 1-2, 10-14] The Tradition of the Elders, Things That Defile
Matthew [15: 1-2, 10-14] The Tradition of the Elders, Things That Defile